Ti-25Nb-25Ta alloy treated by plasma electrolytic oxidation in phosphoric acid for implant applications


  • Gregory Beilner
  • Bruno Leandro Pereira
  • Carlos Maurício Lepienski
  • Gelson Biscaia de Souza
  • Erico Saito Szameitat
  • Neide Kazue Kuromoto
  • Ana Paula Rosifini Alves Claro
  • Viviane Seba Sampaio
  • Bor Shin Chee
  • Aline Rosseto da Luz
  • Michael J D Nugent


Among titanium alloys with non-toxic elements, the Ti-25Nb-25Ta alloy has good elastic behavior for applications in osseous implants, biocompatibility, and excellent corrosion resistance. The present study aimed to better the biocompatibility characteristics of Ti-25Nb-25Ta alloy modifying its surface through Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation (PEO) treatment. The formed oxide coating is amorphous and composed of two distinct porous formations: smaller hole-shaped pores and larger volcano-like pores. The regions with the formation of smaller pores and in the hole shaped presented the highest atomic percentage of the chemical element phosphorus. Nanoindentation tests have shown that the hardness of the Ti-25Nb-25Ta alloy is slightly lower than the commercially pure grade 2 titanium (a material used as reference), while elastic modulus measurements of Ti-25Nb-25Ta presented more suitable values for implant application (lower values when compared with titanium reference). After PEO treatment there were significant mechanical surface improvements (increased fairly surface hardness and decreased elastic modulus) for application in osseous tissue. Despite the Ti-25Nb-25Ta alloy presented excellent characteristics for applications in hard biological tissues, the PEO treatment better its features.

Keywords: Titanium alloy, Ti-25Nb-25Ta, nanoindentation, mechanical properties, Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation. 





