About the Journal

Focus and Scope

All the articles are submitted to a careful peer-reviewing evaluation process by the journal's Editorial Board. The Editorial Board, reviewers and authors make use of a web based proprietary automated tool to deal with the reviewing procedures.the Revista Matéria's article reviewing restricted access system - SEER. Authors are not informed about the identity of the reviewers.


Peer Review Process

Scientific articles may be written in Portuguese, Spanish or English. An abstract, containing up to 300 words, is required in the original language of the article and in English.

The articles must have the following characteristics: Text formatted in accordance with the standard-manuscript developed in MSWord, already containing the respective links in the text to the bibliography. All the formatting features are explained in this standard-manuscript, available at: http://www.materia.coppe.ufrj.br/standard.dot

Publication Frequency

The Journal Materia is quarterly.

Open Access Policy

This journal offers immediate free open access to its content following the idea that making scientific works free for the public to access, promotes democratisation of knowledge within the world.