Polyester/paper composites: study of manufacturing techniques for product development


  • Jussara Smidt Porto
  • Clarissa Coussirat Angrizani
  • Eliana Paula Calegari
  • Sandro Campos Amico
  • Lauren da Cunha Duarte


Composite materials using vegetal fibers and industrial waste are being applied in different areas and structures, requiring, more and more, researches that highlight their characteristics. In this context, the study of manufacturing techniques becomes increasingly necessary in order to use the appropriate tools and obtain the best conditions of the materials. Thus, this article demonstrates the behavior of the materials, which used the polyester resin with ground paper residue to generate the two composites studied in this paper, Polyester/smaller paper (PO/ PME) and Polyester/large paper (PO/PMA). These two materials were molded by hot compression and subjected to manufacturing processes. Joinery equipment were chosen for the experimentation of cutting, drilling, screw insertion and sanding to analyze the performance of these composite materials. As a general result, it can be observed that the composites maintained their physical integrity, because the particles of the load remained well anchored in the matrix in the two composite materials tested, giving the finish an aspect without damages, cracks or imperfections after the operations. Therefore, it is concluded that the materials created can be submitted to the manufacturing techniques evaluated in this article, reinforcing previous studies that suggest its use in the development of products such as furniture, table tops, decorative objects and others. Thus, this study contributes to Designer has knowledge of the potential of the material and make the best use of it.

Keywords: Composite, manufacturing techniques, cutting, finish.




