How and Why We Account for Violence – A Reflective Approach


  • Cheryl R. Lehman Hofstra University Hempstead NY 11549 USA



Accounting’s role in providing data suggests its impact in making things governable and knowable and this paper reflects on its role in making violence invisible. As critical researchers the consequences of accounting practices on vulnerable populations is of significant import and reporting on women and violence is assessed in this research using global reports, testimonies and data. We find a discourse in global reports minimizing and silencing violence against women while counter accounts reveal a contrasting reality. As such, the dynamics of knowledge creation challenges us to explore the neoliberal construction of data. We suggest alternative formulations adding to an emerging literature of counter-accounts and we reject an inevitability of silence. Rather critical accounts provide pathways for thinking differently and aspiring for change and social justice. 


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ESPECIAL: Qualitative, Critical and Interpretive Accounting Studies