Информация для авторов
SLOVO – The Slavic Studies Journal welcomes works in the areas of Linguistics, Literature, Art, and the Humanities on themes related to the culture of Slavic peoples. Articles, translations, and reviews can be written in Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, or English. Additionally, submissions may be made in other Slavic languages, provided that the author would suggest at least five specialists in the field that could evaluate the paper.
1. The article should be typed in Microsoft Word on A4 size paper (21 cm x 29.7 cm), with 3 cm top and left margins and 2 cm right and bottom margins, without page numbering. The font should be Times New Roman, size 12, spaced 1.5 lines, and paragraphs with justified alignment.
2. Articles must have a minimum length of 10 and a maximum of 30 pages, including all data such as tables, illustrations, and bibliographical references. The reviews must have a maximum of 7 pages.
3. The work must comply with the following format:
Title: centralized, capitalized, boldface type, at the top of the first page.
Name of the author (s): in full, with uppercase letters only for the initials, two lines below the title, aligned to the right, with a footnote at the bottom of the page to identify the author’s institution, as well as the e-mail for contact.
Abstract: in Portuguese and English for texts written in Portuguese. For articles written in English, only a single abstract written in English suffices. The abstract should appear immediately after the subtitle, as a single paragraph of at least 100 and at most 200 words, in a justified format, single spacing, without indentation, and two lines below the author's name. The abstract should not contain bibliographical references and the text should not be written in the first person.
Keywords: a minimum of three and a maximum of five, separated by a semicolon, normal font, justified alignment, single spacing, without indentation, immediately below the abstract.
Article text: should start two lines below the keywords; 1.5 cm spacing.
Paragraphs: justified format, with 1.5 cm indentation for the first line. Subtitles on the left, in boldface, numbered, without indentation, initial capitalized. All highlighting in the body of the text will be in italics (do not use underlining or boldface).
Examples and quotes longer than three lines: differentiated from the paragraphs that announce and/or comment on them, with paragraph indentation. The same should be observed in the case of examples. However, these latter should be numbered.
References: preceded by this subtitle, aligned to the left, justified, without indentation, in alphabetical order of surnames, and, in the case of the same author, in the chronological order of the publication of the works cited, two lines after the text. For the organization of references, norm NBR 6023 of ABNT (The Brazilian Association of Technical Standards) must be followed.
Quotes and Citations: follow NBR 10520 of ABNT. For the case of references within the text, follow the ABNT author-date system (BAKHTIN, 2016, pp. 36-37). When the surname is not in parentheses, only the initial letter should be capitalized.
The articles that do not comply with the norms presented above will be returned to the author for appropriate changes.