The fabrication of Theseus' democratic identity: a comparative analysis between Bacchylides' dithyrambs 17 and 18 and Euripides' The Suppliant Women




Euripides, Bacchylides, The Suppliant Women, Dithyramb, Democracy


This article will seek to identify the political characteristics of the Athenian hero Theseus in Bacchylides' dithyrambs 17 and 18 and in Euripides' Suppliant Women. I will argue that elements of Athenian democracy can be traceable in these poems by two main aspects of the hero: his bellicosity and his benevolence towards the weak. These two attributes shall be the fundamental principles to shape a democratic Theseus, such as will be seen mainly through the above cited Euripides' play. I will show that Bacchylides' dithyrambs 17 and 18, by their turn, can be located in the beginning of a particular poetic tradition related to Theseus that settle its basis along with the Athenian democracy.

Author Biography

Waldir Moreira de Sousa Junior, University of São Paulo

Bacharel em Letras (Português/Grego) pela Universidade de São Paulo. Mestre em Letras Clássicas pela Universidade de São Paulo. Doutorando em Letras Clássicas pela Universidade de São Paulo.


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How to Cite

de Sousa Junior, W. M. (2017). The fabrication of Theseus’ democratic identity: a comparative analysis between Bacchylides’ dithyrambs 17 and 18 and Euripides’ The Suppliant Women. CODEX - Revista De Estudos Clássicos, 5(2), 49–70.


