Busiris, a satyr play by Euripides





Busiris, Heracles, Euripides, Greek drama, satyr play, fragments


Busiris is one of Euripides incomplete satyr plays and its date is uncertain. This paper contains an overview of myths on Busiris and Heracles, his iconography, a Portuguese translation of testimonia and known fragments, and a conjectural reconstruction of the satyr play, based on scanty available data.

Author Biography

Wilson Alves Ribeiro Jr., Universidade de São Paulo

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How to Cite

Alves Ribeiro Jr., W. (2018). Busiris, a satyr play by Euripides. CODEX - Revista De Estudos Clássicos, 6(1), 182–199. https://doi.org/10.25187/codex.v6i1.15237


