The structure and unity of the first part of Xenephon’s Hellenica




Hellenica, Xenophon, composition, thematic unity


Often considered a biased work and full of gaps, the Hellenica presents a vision of the events that occurred in Greece, from Xenophon’s perspective. The Hellenica’s narrative covers the events that occurred in Greece from the year 411 to 362, and the aesthetic and thematic split in 2.3.10 has led many authors to analyze the differences between the parts as a result of the work being written in two moments of Xenophon’s life. This positioning leads the researcher to make a distinct reading between the two parts and results in an episodic character to the text. Taking a literary point of view, without judgments as to the validity of the historical information narrated in it, and starting from the hypothesis of a continuous writing of the work, already at the end of the life of Xenophon, we propose a reading that aims to understand the construction of the narrative, seeking for a thematic and structural unit of the work.

Author Biography

Emerson Cerdas




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How to Cite

Cerdas, E. (2019). The structure and unity of the first part of Xenephon’s Hellenica. CODEX - Revista De Estudos Clássicos, 7(1), 36–53.


