The first Sallustian epistle to Caesar on the Republic: introduction, translation and notes




Latin prose, Sallust, declamatio


It is here presented the translation of the first Epistle to Caesar on the Republic, attributed to the Roman historian Sallust, soon to be followed by the companion piece on the same subject. In the introduction, issues of authenticity and genre are discussed, with a special attention to the relationship among the epistles and the declamatio. This practice consisted of the composition of a speech based on an imagined situation, in which the author pretended to be someone else, in many cases the great prose writers of the past. It will then be shown how the epistles borrow elements from Sallust’s historical works to compose a text in a different genre. A Latin text and explanatory notes accompany the translation.


Author Biography

André Rodrigues Bertacchi, USP

Doutor em Letras Clássicas


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How to Cite

Bertacchi, A. R. (2021). The first Sallustian epistle to Caesar on the Republic: introduction, translation and notes. CODEX - Revista De Estudos Clássicos, 9(1), 113–131.


