Characterization and speech in Greek tragedy: the old man and the wife in the prologue of Euripides’ "Heracles"




characterization, Euripides, Heracles, prologue, Amphitryon, Megara


This paper investigates how speech – in particular the first one in a Euripides’ tragedy – contributes to characterization. This is an indirect, metonymical characterization, that was called ēthopoiia in Antiquity. Two characters are examied, Amphitryon and Megara, in the prologue of Euripides’ Heracles; it is argued that their characterization not only goes beyond a notion of “type” (the old man and the suffering wife), but articulates themes which importance becomes clearer only later on and at the same time plays with the form of the plot. It is shown that characterization and thought relate to each other to form an organic whole that makes the audience not only feel but also think about the emotions proper to the genre.

Author Biography

Christian Werner, Universidade de São Paulo

Departamento de Letras Clássicas e Vernáculas

Área de Letras Clássicas, Grego


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How to Cite

Werner, C. (2020). Characterization and speech in Greek tragedy: the old man and the wife in the prologue of Euripides’ "Heracles". CODEX - Revista De Estudos Clássicos, 8(1), 224–241.



Dossiê: Caracterização no drama antigo: tragédia