Misogyny in Euripides’ biographical tradition





ancient biography, ancient lives, Euripides, misogyny, Aristophanes


There are more ancient biographical texts on Euripides extant to this day than on any other tragic poet of Classical Greece. Throughout this material, it is remarkable how the poet is persistently characterized as a misogynist (μισογύνης). The word appears in two of the most important biographical texts on Euripides (the anonymous Life attached to the medieval manuscripts of his works and the entry in the Suda), and his “aversion towards women” is directly or indirectly alluded in all the Lives that survived to this day. This article presents these occurrences and analyses them in the light of Aristophanes’ comedy. Finally, it proposes an articulation between the paradoxical receptions of the poet’s work in Antiquity and in modernity, when the image of a “feminist” Euripides will be constructed.


Author Biography

Camila de Moura, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Bacharel em Letras Português/Grego pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (2016) e mestre em Filosofia pela mesma instituição (2019). Membro discente do Programa de Estudos em Representações da Antiguidade (PROAERA).


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How to Cite

de Moura, C. (2020). Misogyny in Euripides’ biographical tradition. CODEX - Revista De Estudos Clássicos, 8(2), 39–62. https://doi.org/10.25187/codex.v8i2.38818


