Vxores dotatae between anger and fear
emotions and the gender balance of power in the fabula palliata
fabula palliata, women, balance of power, emotionsAbstract
The fabula palliata’s repertoire represents the dowry wives (uxores dotatae) generally as angry, unsympathetic, and domineering women. Such a profile tends to be related to the legal status of the marriages staged in the Roman New Comedy. The fact that the wife’s father holds the ownership of the dowry should ensure those women an amount of power over their husbands. Thus, women who are often in a position of superior status to their husbands seem to be able to express freely their emotions, such as anger. Nevertheless, the balance of power between husband and wife seems to be not as stable as a stereotypical view might lead us to believe. Aiming to discuss a more nuanced display of emotions such as anger and fear concerning the dowry wives – one that highlights moments when their sovereignty is not ensured but threatened – this text scrutinizes selected passages of Plautus’ Mercator.
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