What survives from Earth: the material in the work of Mitch Iburg and Nina Salsotto Cassina





Ceramics, Geosciences, Geodiversity, Wild clay, Materiality


Visual artists Mitch Iburg and Nina Salsotto Cassina created their body of work from a very close relationship with the materials of the physical environment: they use wild clay and other materials encountered to produce ceramic pieces that tell us a bit about the geological history of planet Earth. Based on the analysis of their work, I suggest a dialogue with the writings of the British anthropologist Tim Ingold, on his notion of “material”, and the French philosopher of art Georges Didi-Huberman, on the concept of “survivance”. If the material lacks immutable properties – but has procedural and relational ones – and, therefore, is within a temporal flow – possessing trajectories of becoming – then the artist’s work is similar to the work of nature. Any separation between culture and nature must therefore be put to the test. Close examination of the materials – the things that things are made of – is addressed as a strategy for us to take root in the world, ushering in new ways of approaching temporality in the history of art.

