Construction of Buildings in Soft Clay Deposits: A Case Study in a Public School in Florianópolis/SC, Brazil
Urbanization, Slope, ColluviumAbstract
The gradual increase in the risks of constructions without structural planning in hillside areas characterizes the expansion of urbanization in Brazil. In this process of territorial occupation, constructions on soft clay soils represent significant structural hazards. This study aimed to evaluate structural instabilities in a public school in Florianópolis (SC, Brazil), using integrated geology, geotechnics, and geophysics data. This is a case study in an area characterized by the urbanization process of the West Side of the Costeira do Pirajubaé Massif. Geologically, the study area is composed of granitic rocks, soft clay deposits, and colluvial soils, in an environment of the upper third to the middle of the slope. For data analysis, geophysical, geotechnical, and geological methods were used. In the results, it was identified upstream colluvium, evidenced by the wide variety of soils (sandy, yellowish silt clay, of medium consistency), as well as gray clay deposits, ranging from very soft to hard, with distinct characteristics of the residual soils of the granitoid downstream, which are normally medium consistency brown to yellowish clays, expected for the B horizon. The results indicate a potential slip surface, which corresponds to a layer of soft clay deposits. Thus, it can be concluded that the observed instabilities, characterized by footing displacement, cracks, and subsidence demonstrate subsoil fragilities related to human interventions and the insufficiency of the drainage system, even when existing.
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