Proposal for Technical Registry of Sanitation Networks through an open structure using SpatiaLite database




Investment in sanitation and infrastructure is essential to ensure quality of human life, so its absence or fragility can lead to a scenario of calamities. Among the elements that constitute the infrastructure of a sanitation system is the technical register responsible for gathering all the information inherent to the system from the implementation of the network to the final destination of the effluent, provided for in the stages of design, execution and continuity of operations. As a result, GIS have become fundamental tools for the registration of sanitation networks, as they provide the integration of descriptive and graphic data in the same base. In this context, the objective of this study was the implementation of a database in free software through the SpatiaLite extension, aggregated georeferenced spatial information of components of a sanitary sewage network, producing a proposal for a Technical Registry. Processing was developed in the software QGIS 3.16, in which the elements of “Inspection Box” were used in the model, being represented vectorially by geometry of “Point” and “Extension” represented by “Line” to form a spatial system on the structure and location by means of vectorization on screen. As a result, the implementation of the register through the SpatiaLite platform, ensured fast processing, positional accuracy, conformity of cartographic representation, topology between classes, format consistency and completeness. However, the database enabled to analyze together all the components interrelated with the sewage system, through technical information for the management and efficiency of basic sanitation services.


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