"Urbanofilia" e "urbanofobia" na geopolítica: as cidades e a urbanização no pensamento geopolítico alemão do entre-guerras e na geopolítica brasileira do regime de 64


  • Marcelo José Lopes de Souza




This paper results from two short sections of the author's PhD thesis. The main purpose of this article is to focus a subject almost unknow in Brazil: The view of the German geopoliticians of the 30s on the urbanization and the cities, in relation to the thought of the German geographer Friedrich Ratzel and the Brazilian geopolitics during the military rule. One can only understand the "urbanophilia" of Ratzel, the "urbanophobia" of the German geopoliticians, and the more complex view of the Brazilian geopolitics of the Post-64 period, within their respective sociohistorical contexts. Despite there are doctrinal similarities among Ratzel's work and the thought of German geopoliticians of the 30s, and among the German geopoliticians and the Brazilian geopolitics of the Post-64 period, the different socio-historical situations explain the different views in relation to the urbanization and its significance in terms of "progress" and "development".





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