The geological content of conventional tourist attractions in Brazil


  • Virginio Mantesso-Neto Conselho de Monumentos Geológicos / SP
  • Kátia Leite Mansur Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Departamento de Geologia
  • Úrsula Ruchkys Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; Depto. de Cartografia; IGC
  • Marcos Antonio Leite do Nascimento Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte; Depto. de Geologia



Brazil offers a rich variety of attractions in various touristic segments. In order to facilitate a systematic offer, the Ministry of Tourism has been publishing, since 2004, a number of specialized magazines. In 2010 it issued a magazine called "Roteiros do Brasil: 94 Belos Motivos para viajar pelo Brasil" ("Itineraries in Brazil: 94 Beautiful Reasons to Travel through Brazil"). This paper presents an analysis of that publication, aiming at identifying which touristic attractions have a direct or indirect connection to our geological heritage. In order to do so, the first step was to define the characteristics that would make a conventional touristic attraction be classified as related to geological features, and to which degree. Even recognizing that this was an empirical analysis, and the need for a more rigorous study, as a first approximation the results show that, even though geotourism is not as yet recognized as an official touristic segment by the Ministry of Tourism, over 70% of the attractions selected by the magazine have a geologic appeal. By experience, it's already known that these touristic attractions can be more valued and attract a larger flow of tourists by the use of the techniques of geotourism, including the use of folders, panels, and printed guides to explain the geological history and the meaning of the geologic features of each attraction.





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