Rocha Amiga program, initiatives for children of basic education in the Quadrilátero ferrífero, Minas Gerais - Brazil


  • Úrsula Azevedo Ruchkys UFMG; MHNJB; Centro de Referência em Patrimônio Geológico
  • Maria Márcia Magela Machado UFMG; MHNJB; Centro de Referência em Patrimônio Geológico
  • Mário Cachão Universidade de Lisboa; Centro de Geologia; Programa Rocha Amiga



The Program "Rocha Amiga" was created in Portugal under the scope of the celebrations of International Year of Planet Earth, during the school year 2007/2008. In Brazil, the Program is being adapted to the region of the Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Minas Gerais, in a Project financed by FAPEMIG - APQ - 03167-10 to sensitize the school community to the scientific, didactic, landscape/aesthetics, cultural and socioeconomic importance of geologic surroundings. Three geological sites of heritage value were selected as pilot. The implementation of the Project was initiated in the Mangabeiras Park - Serra do Curral, where field investigation was conducted to identify outcrops considered key to understanding the geological evolution of the site and other important aspects, including historical and cultural values, biological and landscape. Geoturism guided tours were proposed and teaching kits were made in order to provide recreational activities facilitators in the process of teaching and learning geological topics. We conclude that the activities proposed can promote knowledge and conservation of geological heritage of the Quadrilátero Ferrífero.





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