Scenario the Use of Free Software in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Brazil


  • Gisele Milaré Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, Laboratório de Geoprocessamento para Aplicações Ambientais; Instituto Nacional de Colonização e Reforma Agrária, Superintendência Regional no Estado do Tocantins
  • Normandes Matos da Silva Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Laboratório de Geoprocessamento, Instituto de Ciências Agrárias e Tecnológicas
  • Antonio Conceição Paranhos Filho Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, Laboratório de Geoprocessamento para Aplicações Ambientais



Scientometrics, Envitonmental analysis, Remote sensing.


This study aims to present an overview of the free software use in geographic information systems (GIS ) in Brazil, defining trends and the thematic areas that are most used. For this, through scientometrics, articles published in the Brazilian Symposium on Remote Sensing were analyzed. This event has been chosen because it has been accomplished since 1978, represent the most important congress in Brazil and thus reflects the trends and uses of geotechnologies in the country. There was the analytical work between 1978 and 2013, totaling 6.778 items. Of these, 2.128 articles have cited the use of free software. There was an increasing trend , from 90's , averaging 32 % of published articles using free software over the past 25 years. Environmental analysis was the most constant theme in the manuscripts published which used free software in GIS, with 519 articles.





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