Naturezas verdadeiras e imutáveis


  • Margaret Dauler Wilson Princeton University



The author's purpose in this paper is to examine the issue concerning the Cartesian notion of true and immutable natures as it appears in the Fifth Meditation and in the First Replies, and to examine as well related important Cartesian notions such as those of innate ideas and factitious ideas. This analysis starts with a brief review of the main points of the author's original treatment. It goes on to sketch and respond to the most directly opposed portions of the analysis of the issue made by Walter Edelberg, with some reference to its discussion by Willis Doney. The author's main concern is not to "refute" this interpretative position, but rather to bring into question certain elements of it, as she claims to be inclined to think that there are too many problems with this treatment for it to be accepted as a clarification of Descartes' position.


