La inteligencia del cazador. Virtudes intelectuales, filosofía y sofística en Jenofonte y Aristóteles


  • Claudia Marsico


Parole chiave:

Ethics, Virtues, Aristotle, Xenophon,


In this work, I will first propose an approach to Aristotle's analysis of the intellectual virtues in the last part of Nicomachean Ethics, VI as an integrated system that shows the role of φρόνησις concerning the production of moral judgment and the moral act. Then, on this basis, I will examine Xenophon's use of these notions by showing the links with Aristotle's device. Finally, I will analyze to what extent both approaches are based on shared foundations and what are the contributions of this scheme to differentiate judgments and actions according to the practical wisdom from equivocal variants that seem virtuous without being so. In this way, the exploration of the intellectual virtues will allow weighing up the opinion of both philosophers on the conditions for true philosophy and the theoretical tools to differentiate it from sophistical options, highlighting Aristotle and Xenophon's strategies to "hunt the sophist".

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