The role of state in the banking industry: Evidence from Russia


  • Andrei Vernikov Professor at National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia); and Senior Researcher, Russian Academy of Sciences – Institute of Economics (Moscow, Russia)


Russia, Banks, Government, Public Sector, State-Controlled Banks


The article examines the role of the state in the Russian banking industry. Statistical data illustrates the market share of public banks and its dynamics over the past 25 years. We show the impact of public banks on the lending tobnon-financial companies, and particularly longer- term lending. Empirical findings suggest that it terms of profitability and technical efficiency the core public banks are not necessarily worse than privately held institutions. Finally, the author compares the macro-level structure and the core institutions of the banking systems in China and Russia and suggests that these are typologically more similar than different.


Andrei Vernikov, Professor at National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia); and Senior Researcher, Russian Academy of Sciences – Institute of Economics (Moscow, Russia)

Professor at National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia); and Senior Researcher, Russian Academy of Sciences – Institute of Economics (Moscow, Russia)


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