Between Opportunism and Limitation: the resurgence of populism and the right-wing populist ‘Alternative for Germany’ (AfD)


  • Veith Selk Dr. Veith Selk works as a research associate at the Institute of Political Science at the Technical University Darmstadt. His main areas of reasearch are Modern Political Theory and the History of Political Thought.
  • Jared Sonnicksen Dr. Jared Sonnicksen works as a research associate at the Institute of Political Science at the Technical University Darmstadt. His main areas of research are comparative government and challenges of democracy under conditions of complex governance.

Parole chiave:

AFD, Populism, Right-Wing Populism, Political Conflict, Borders


The article provides first an overview of the strands of current research on populism and the German newcomer party, the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD). Building upon this, it will be demonstrated how the AfD constitutes a right- wing populist party, but also how its ideology connects to ideational-historical currents that have been influential in the Federal Republic of Germany. Finally, we elaborate the underlying thesis that the AfD comprises a party that is oriented primarily toward re-adjusting and re- setting borders. Accordingly, the party manages to successfully politicize the cleavage between supporters of more openness and supporters of stronger delimitation.

Biografie autore

Veith Selk, Dr. Veith Selk works as a research associate at the Institute of Political Science at the Technical University Darmstadt. His main areas of reasearch are Modern Political Theory and the History of Political Thought.

Dr. Veith Selk works as a research associate at the Institute of Political Science at the Technical University Darmstadt. His main areas of reasearch are Modern Political Theory and the History of Political Thought.

Jared Sonnicksen, Dr. Jared Sonnicksen works as a research associate at the Institute of Political Science at the Technical University Darmstadt. His main areas of research are comparative government and challenges of democracy under conditions of complex governance.

Dr. Jared Sonnicksen works as a research associate at the Institute of Political Science at the Technical University Darmstadt. His main areas of research are comparative government and challenges of democracy under conditions of complex governance.

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