Public goods as drivers of growth/development


  • Lionello Franco Punzo Dept. of Economics and Statistics, UNISI (Siena, Italy). Thism paper was finalized (in the late 2018) while holding a grant from INCT/PPED at UFRJ

Parole chiave:

Development, Growth, Economic Theory


This paper frames a broader reconstruction of the evolution of our understanding of the dynamics of an economy through the role assigned to a variety of Pure and Non Pure Public Goods(NPPGs) as development drivers and value creators. It outlinesthe convergence of two distinct, though major theoretical traditions: the theories of growth/development, on one side, and the debate over role and efficiency of State/Vertical Integrated Firms v/s Market in the provision of goods. Coase (1932) put forward a theory of why either one prevails, as a function of a broad category of transaction costs.

Biografia autore

Lionello Franco Punzo, Dept. of Economics and Statistics, UNISI (Siena, Italy). Thism paper was finalized (in the late 2018) while holding a grant from INCT/PPED at UFRJ

Dept. of Economics and Statistics, UNISI (Siena, Italy). Thism paper was finalized (in the late 2018) while holding a grant from INCT/PPED at  UFRJ

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