The discourse about the Italian lands in Virgil's Georgics
Century of Augustus, Didactic Poetry, Poetic Discourse, DigressionsAbstract
The Georgics (37-30 BC) constitute a poem about rural life and the various agricultural activities: the cultivation of cereals, arboriculture, especially the cultivation of the vine, herd rearing and beekeeping. Each of the four books that compose the work describes a specific activity, through eminently didactic discourse. Throughout the work, however, there are several digressive passages, in which the poet narrates about other themes, usually of a religious, mythological and philosophical nature. One of these passages, known as Laudes Italiae, verses 136 to 176 of the 2nd canto, constitutes a true hymn of praise to the Italian lands. We try to verify the relevance of some of the themes treated in the mentioned verses of the Georgics, considering, mainly, the context of production of the work, and trying to understand its meaning within this didactic poem.References
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