World’s Prolegomena: a study of the organization of the primordial elements in Ovid’s "Metamorphoses"
Ovid, Metamorphoses, cosmogony, poetic expressivity, translationAbstract
Inserted in the cosmogonic theme, poetically narrated by Ovid (43 BC - 17 AD) at the beginning of his Metamorphoses, this study focuses, more specifically, on the process of organization and composition of the primordial elements that shape the world, after the Chaos, the origin of everything. The excerpt under analysis consists of the hexameters from number 21 to 75, in Book I, which succeed the description of the Chaos and precede the anthropogony. In this thematic section, one highlights the minerals, flora, and fauna, with emphasis on the four primordial elements: fire, air, earth, and water. With its distinction, the world is being formed from a “recipe for life”, step by step. Between Chaos and Cosmos, one traces, in the Ovidian verses, the system of creation of the world, searching expressive language resources that compose these hexameters, regarding its textual ordering. Therefore, between the order of the world and the order of the verses, one considers the imagery and the meaning effects aroused. Moreover, this study presents a translation that supports the literary analysis.
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