The ruin is somehow our epistemological source: an interview with Paulo Tavares


  • Paulo Tavares
  • Ana Altberg Arquiteta e Urbanista (PUC-Rio) e mestranda na FAU/USP;
  • André Arçari Pesquisador de pós-doutorado no PPGAV-EBA-UFRJ;
  • André Leal Doutorando PPGAV-EBA-UFRJ
  • Dinah Oliveira Professora do PPGAV-EBA-UFRJ
  • Livia Flores Professora do PPGAV-EBA-UFRJ
  • Mery Horta Doutorando PPGAV-EBA-UFRJ
  • Roberto Conduru Professor na Southern Methodist University Dallas, EUA.



A zoom interview was conducted with Paulo Tavares, architect, researcher and University of Brasilia (UnB) professor, on April 14, 2023. During the conversation with Ana Altberg, André Leal, Roberto Conduru and members of the journal’s team, Paulo Tavares answers questions related to his work in the fields of architecture, art and land rights, permeated by his interests in archeology, criticism and media ecology. Paulo Tavares, co-curator of the Brazilian Pavilion at the 2023 Venice Architecture Biennale, which won the Golden Lion, describes in detail the conceptual and formal issues surrounding the concept of this and other projects and publications he has been developing.

