The non-object in Anish Kapoor: between the visible and the invisible




Anish Kapoor, Visible, Invisible, Merleau-Ponty, Non-object


Anish Kapoor brings in his work tensions between matter and void. The article focuses on a series of works carried out between 2019 and 2021, relating them to the theme of materiality and its absence. Titled Non-object (Black), the artworks use the technique used by the artist together with Vantablack technology, an industrial material that absorbs more than 99% of the light reflected on it. When analyzing these productions, the article investigates how the artist articulates the relationship between materiality and the void, visibility, and invisibility – based on color – in what he calls a non-object. For this purpose, it carries out a dialogue with art history, bringing to light theorists such as Homi K. Bhabha, Daniel Arasse, Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Georges Didi-Huberman.

Author Biography

Lucas Procópio de Oliveira Tolotti, Universidade de São Paulo Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing

Professor nos cursos de Cinema e Audiovisual e Comunicação e Publicidade na ESPM. Mestre e doutorando em Estética e História da Arte pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação Interunidades em Estética e História da Arte da Universidade de São Paulo (PGEHA - USP). Tem experiência na área educativa de museus (Museu de Arte Moderna - SP) e na área de curadoria, acervo e produção em institutos culturais e galerias (Wesley Duke Lee Art Institute, Ricardo Camargo Galeria, Galeria Emma Thomas), além de atuar como curador independente. Pesquisador do Centro Mario Schenberg de Documentação da Pesquisa em Artes - ECA/USP. Foi Professor Substituto nos Cursos de Design e Artes Visuais - UNESP Bauru.


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