Arte Território


  • Dinah de Oliveira Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
  • Livia Flores Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro



Arte & Ensaios presents edition 46, corresponding to the public call for articles Art Territory, published in May 2023. Continuing with the previous edition’s theme – Earth Archive –, its design includes research and actions motivated by the contemporary art scene, which address intersections between art, territoriality and collective practices. For this effort, we delve into the word territory, a key term when discussing situated art practices – poetics that marks their differences in relation to the legacies of art and historiography of the European matrix, whose universalist intentions hinder the recognition of their own markers of color, gender and social class. Assumed as a normative standard and, although not explicitly stated, these markers define absences and zones of exclusion or censorship. Against such erasures, situated practices propose namings, affiliations and their own lexicons, delineating territories that may be linked or not to specific places.

