At the dawn of a new desbunde: a case study of the artistic activations 01PN10 and Multiverso Colaborativo – 20 years of Imaginário Periférico




Case study of the ephemeral occupations 01PN10 and Multiverso Colaborativo: 20 years of Imaginário Periférico, based on documentary, bibliographical analyses, interviews and field researches. Starting from an examination of the socio-political, economic and cultural panorama established in Brazil since 2016 and which has proven to be adverse to the progressive artistic field, we seek to clarify the relationships between the growth of so-called heterogeneous artistic circuits and the creation of collective activation and occupation tactics in public and private institutional and non-institutional spaces, as social phenomena that suggest the existence of a new type of “desbunde” in the contemporary Rio de Janeiro artistic scene. These actions, inspired by the countercultural movements of the 1960s and 1970s, are unique for having an ephemeral character, for the consolidation of a critical discourse on institutionalization processes, for political engagement, for the interest in the art of social involvement, for the adoption of a cultural a(r)tivism associated with the agendas of social movements on the left, etc., in addition to presenting, at least initially, a lack of interest in insertion into the official market, system and art circuit.

