Joint Correction of Tropospheric and Orbital Errors in SAR Differential Interferograms




Tropospheric path delay, Orbit error correction, DInSAR


Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite imagery is a source of data widely employed in the quantification and analysis of an earthquake coseismic displacement. However, due to the signal path along the atmosphere and to other sources, the interferometric phase becomes compromised. In this work, a methodology for the correction of tropospheric and orbital errors in the differential interferogram is presented. This methodology was applied to a couple of Sentinel-1A data. The phenomenon studied was the 11th November 2018 Zeribet el Oued earthquake, Mw. 5.2 (The state of Biskra, South East of Algeria). It was possible to correct both tropospheric and orbital errors, where the dominant one was the tropospheric delay, a displacement error of 4 cm was added to the differential interferogram by this noise source. The correction of orbital error led to a better interpretation of the coseismic displacement. 


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