Technological Evaluation of Roof Tiles from the Monastery of São Bento, Rio de Janeiro
Historical building, Conservation, Ceramic materialsAbstract
The present work carried out the evaluation of the roof tiles belonging to the Monastery of São Bento, in the state of Rio de Janeiro, through the common analyzes of the technological characterization. The evaluation was performed by petrography, X-ray fluorescence (XRF), X-ray diffraction (XRD), physical and colorimetric properties and accelerated weathering tests using salt spray, súlfur dioxide, and ultraviolet rays. The results obtained through petrography, XRD, XRF, SEM, FTIR showed a mineralogical composition characterized in the internal part by hematite and in the external part presenting mullite, potassium feldspar, quartz and gypsum being the last one formed from physical-chemical changes of calcium. The analysis of the data obtained after the colorimetric analyzes and accelerated weathering (salt spray, SiO2, UV), identified little variation in mass loss, however the colorimetric analyzes showed the darkening of the colors after the actions of SO2 and their fading after the actions from salt spray and UV rays. The results obtained allowed a compositional characterization and the state of conservation of the roof tiles, allowing the evaluation of future interventions for the preservation of the se and/or possible substitute materials in accordance with the ceramic materials currently available.
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