Ground level cross-wind integrated concentration simulated by an Eulerian Dispersion Model using wind profiles generated by OML and RAMS models


  • Cláudia Rejane Jacondino de Campos UFPEL
  • James Adryani Avelar de Jesus INPE
  • Luciana Barros Pinto FURG



In this work was tested the use of output data from Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS) as input to an Eulerian Dispersion Model (EDM). Specifically was compared the ground level cross-wind integrated concentration simulated by EDM, using an eddy diffusivity valid to the Convective Boundary Layer (CBL) and two wind profiles: the first obtained by the Operationelle Meteorologiske Luftkvalitetsmodeller model (OML) and the second generated by RAMS mesoscale model. To accomplish the simulations with EDM were used data collected on the 07/06/1979 during Copenhagen tracer experiment (emission rate, source height, convective velocity scale, CBL height, friction velocity, Monin-Obukhov length in the surface layer and roughness length). The performance of the two simulations was tested confronting the ground level cross-wind integrated concentration generated with those observed in referred experiment. For simple topography area, such as the study area, the results showed that the use of a diagnosis model (OML) or a prognostic model (RAMS) to simulate the wind profile didn't generate great differences between ground level cross-wind integrated concentration simulated by EDM.





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