Automatic Extraction and Geospatial Analysis of Lineaments and their Tectonic Significance in South Cameroon Area using Remote Sensing Techniques and GIS


  • Yves Shandini Institute of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences at Yabassi, University of Douala
  • Marcelin Pemi Mouzong Department of Renewable Energy, Higher Technical Teachers’ Training College, University of Buea
  • Raphael Onguene Douala Institute of Technology, University of Douala
  • Minette Eyango Tomedi Institute of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences at Yabassi, University of Douala
  • Jacques Etame Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, University of Douala
  • Bernard Zobo Essimbi Laboratory of Electronics, Department of Physics, University of Yaounde I



South Cameroon, Lineaments, Remote sensing


This study investigates the dominant orientations of lineament features and the relationship between these trends and the spatial orientation of tectonic structures in the transition zone of the Congo craton and the Pan African belt in South Cameroon area. Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS and hill-shaded images, constructed from 30 m-resolution SRTM-DEM data, were used for automatically extracting and mapping geological lineaments. Lineament features were analyzed by means of azimuth frequency and length density distributions. Three major sets of lineaments trending W–E, ENE-WSW and WNW-ESE are identified in the South Cameroon area. These trends are probably related to repeated reactivation of pre-existing crustal structures during Eburnean and Pan-African tectonic episodes. The lineaments were formed under the compressional tectonic stress regimes generated during these tectonic events.


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