Collembola Poduromorpha as Bioindicator of Anthropogenic Impact on “Restinga” Areas in the State of Rio De Janeiro, Brazil


  • Liliane Henriques Fernandes
  • Jorge Luiz Nessimian
  • Maria Cleide de Mendonça


Collembola, Ecology, Indicator species, Littoral, Taxonomy


Representatives of Order Poduromorpha were studied under taxonomic and ecological view in halophyte-psammophyte vegetation as well as in foredune zone environments in preserved and impacted areas of “Restinga de Maricá”. Throughout 2003, 128 sampling events were carried out in January, June, July and December, which totalized 8,125 springtails, among which 4,264 were representatives of Order Poduromorpha, distributed through 5 families, 16 genera and 23 species. In the preserved areas, a pattern of species distribution was noticed for each environment. Through the species indicator test, two indicator species of impacted areas were pointed out as well as one species of preserved area, three species of halophyte-psammophyte vegetation and four species of foredune zone; Austrogastrura travassosi was highlighted as indicator of halophytepsammophyte vegetation environment in impacted areas. The highest diversity, richness and equitability values were observed in the foredune zone environment of Itaipuaçu impacted area. The Canonical Correspondence Analysis showed that the most important elements in space-temporal species distribution were pH, soil humidity and organic matter content. The faunal variability was kept in the preserved areas of each sampled environment.




