New Records of the Family Majidae (Crustacea, Brachyura) to the Rocas Atoll, Brazil
Carolina R. Tavares
Paulo S. Young
Palabras clave:
Crustacea, Brachyura, Majidae, Rocas Atoll
Eight species of Majidae were sampled in the Rocas Attol: Chorinus heros, Macrocoeloma concavum, Microphrys bicornutus, Mithraculus forceps, Mithrax verrucosus, Nemausa acuticornis, Pitho lherminieri and Podochela brasiliensis. Of these species, C. heros, M. concavum, P. lherminieri, and P. brasiliensis are new records for the Rocas Attol. Podochela brasiliensis is the only Brazilian endemic species of Majidae found in Rocas Atoll, and M. verrucosus, in Brazil, is only recorded in the oceanic islands of Fernando de Noronha and Rocas Atoll. Two other species, Aepinus septemspinosus and Mithrax hemphilli, that were previously known to the region were not found during this study.