Effects of support from innovation and development agencies: A case study on companies awarded by Tecnova 13/2013 – FAPEMIG
Innovation, Public policies, Government support, Small and medium-sized enterprises, Economic subsidyAbstract
Innovation plays an important role for the sustainability of small and medium enterprises - SMEs, as it enhances their competitive advantage. As one of the elements of government stimulus, the economic subsidy provides access to non-reimbursable financial resources. By means of documentary research, interviews, and direct observation, this study sought to understand the effects of fostering innovation for SMEs awarded by the Tecnova Edict 13/2013, a partnership between FINEP and FAPEMIG. As a result, it was confirmed that government support represents a fundamental instrument for the development of SMEs, offering them opportunities to acquire materials and technologies, train human resources, and facilitate the building of partnerships. The research also identified factors that make it difficult to carry out research and development activities in this segment of organizations. Although hindering elements of the innovation process were highlighted, it was found that government support is fundamental to the promotion of innovation in the surveyed companies.
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