A consideração do clima no projeto de arquitetura e localização industrial - Uma proposta em benefício do homem e da produção


  • Carlos Alberto Nunes Cosenza
  • Maria Maia Porto


Meio ambiente, Teoria dos conjuntos


The aim of this paper is to discuss the different values of the Modern Era as regards the occupation of the geographical areas by industrial plants. Although these are general considerations, the proposed model derives from the effective applications in the scientific and occupational fields. Issues related to environmental impact and the climate ought to be considered because human-beings are the crucial element in the model.This fact brings about ambiguities which are to be treated by a non-deterministic logic. The uncertainty and the imprecision when determining the locational attributes suggest the usage of linguistic representation when interpreting the facts and happenings. The theory of the fuzzy sets furnish the means for the representation of the uncertainties and it is here proposed as a form of a locational model and as an important toot to shape the uncertainty associated to imprecision.


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