The census of places of worship in the city of Naples: motivations and pourposes
Census of the patrimony, Ecclesiastical patrimony, Naples, ItalyAbstract
The present essay was inserted in Il patrimonio architettonico ecclesiastico di Napoli, organized by the author, Massimiliano Campi and Antonella di Luggo and had as objective the census of all the buildings destined for worship, started in 2009 from a project of the author. Starting from a first bibliographical research, a field work was started, with visits and photographic records for documentary purposes. The capillary work of data collection by Soprintendenza per il Patrimonio Artistico was enriched by the collaboration with the Department of Architecture of the Università Federico II di Napoli (headed by Antonella di Luggo) and the Archdiocese of Naples. For each of the places of worship registered were identified all elements of identification as correct name of the building, property, address, referral contact, and inter-institutional collaboration allowed the integration of databases with new instruments as 3D reliefs and a mapping divided by zones. The illustration of the results achieved aims to constitute a working method for the great città d'arte, all characterized by a deep connection between the extraordinary museums and the no less extraordinary patrimony constituted by the continuity of the rich urban fabric of churches, palaces, fountains and obelisks.