Avaliação Pós-Ocupação acústica de edificações


  • Marta Ribeiro Valle Macedo
  • Mauro Cesar de Oliveira Santos
  • Jules Ghislain Slama

Słowa kluczowe:

Acústica, Avaliação pós ocupação, POE, APO


In the last decades Post Occupation Evaluation (POE) has been treated as a technique to investigate the user's opinion for the built environment. However, Acoustic POE suffers the influence of subjective and objective factors where the user's opinion reflects the aspects related with the age, sex, profession and climate, besides those of the social, cultural and economic order that assume an important paper.In this work, it is intended to discuss the methodology that involves acoustic POE, observing the interrelation between its several stages, as well as the influence of the subjective aspects. In tropical climate, acoustic POE is processed in a different way from other region. Methods and constructive techniques that aims the acoustic quality of constructions can be incompatible with the local climate and with the social,economic and cultural condition of the population and it should be valued the development of an appropriate lay out.In the last decades Post Occupation Evaluation (POE) has been treated as a
technique to investigate the user's opinion for the built environment.
However, Acoustic POE suffers the influence of subjective and objective factors
where the user's opinion reflects the aspects related with the age, sex, profession and
climate, besides those of the social, cultural and economic order that assume an
important paper.
In this work, it is intended to discuss the methodology that involves acoustic
POE, observing the interrelation between its several stages, as well as the influence of
the subjective aspects.
In tropical climate, acoustic POE is processed in a different way from other
region. Methods and constructive techniques that aims the acoustic quality of
constructions can be incompatible with the local climate and with the social,economic
and cultural condition of the population and it should be valued the development of
an appropriate lay out.


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