Violência, Vulnerabilidade e Exclusão sócio espacial: uma revisão conceitual


  • Rachel Coutinho Marques da Silva Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, UFRJ

Ключевые слова:

Violência Urbana, Vulnerabilidade, Exclusão Social


The objective of this paper is to analyze recent literature about urban violence insofar as it relates to the issues of risk, vulnerability and social exclusion. It is not common to relate the concepts of urban violence and environmental vulnerability, since the first is usually associated with criminality and the latter with environmental risks. Nevertheless, recent academic articles have started to deal with the issue of urban violence linking it to environmental vulnerability and social exclusion. Having this perspective in mind, this paper will attempt to undertake a conceptual and a literature review aiming at bridging concepts and searching for a new approach to urban violence.

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