Sonoridades. Hibridismo Sonoro. Música. Paisagem Sonora. Hibridismo Cultural.Abstract
This article reflects on the sonorities that coexist in cultural dynamics and characterize
a hybrid listening, being the target of reinventions in the face of social transformations
and the way of seeing the world. It is from this perspective that we propose an immersion
in the universe of sound and music, in its relationship between materiality and meaning,
highlighting sound, noise, silence, and music as a hybrid fusion that intensely affects the
contemporary sound field. In this hybridism, from which sound emerges as a physical
phenomenon that unfolds in expressions that range from voiceovers to music, Murray
Schafer’s concept of soundscape stands out, and Hermeto Pascoal’s musical hybridism
becomes evident. Based on an interdisciplinary reflection, fundamentals of acoustics and
its properties, of musical field, of sound as matter and cultural representation, and of sound
hybridism contribute for this interlocution. Sound is conceived as a sign, whose meaning is
apprehended by active listening, and the artist Hermeto Pascoal is exposed as an example
of a human sound texture, a plural subjectivity, generated by memories of daily life, by oral
expression, by emotions, articulation that makes his musical production a peculiar sound
hybridism. In its conclusion, the article relates the hybrid form of sounds with the diversity
and multiplicity of reality, suggesting that reflection on sound hybridism can be a vehicle
for bringing human beings closer together and renewing.
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