


Mots-clés :

representação, corpos infames, imunização, política do corpo, jornalismo


one of the effects of violence in Mexico is the representation of infamous bodies in the press. This article explores infamous bodies[1] production based on different events (accidents, violence or extravagant behaviors), which become social facts after being recorded in language. The aim of the document is to look at the representation of the infamous body through the journalistic discourse, conceived as an indication of society's perspective towards "the other". The hypothesis of the paper is that the representation of infamous bodies in the press corresponds to an unsupportive sense of solidarity as part of an immunization process (ESPOSITO 2011). The article uses the concept of immunization applied through a semiotic and rhetorical analysis that takes into account the dimension of language and image, proposing a hermeneutics that puts into question the ethics of journalism in its relationship with power and violence. For this end, the front pages of the Metronewspaper, whose journalistic discourse is an eloquent example of the construction of infamous bodies and the immunization process, were analyzed.

[1] The term ‘infamous bodies' introduced by Michael Foucault in Power, truth, strategy, 2006, will be used along the text. 

Biographie de l'auteur

Carlos González-Domínguez, Universidad Autónma del Estado de México

Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México

Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales

Ciencias Sociales, Comunicación, Antropología, Análisis del Discuros, Semiótica, Retórica, Estudios Culturales.


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