About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Revista de Economia Contemporânea (Journal of Contemporary Economics) publishes only original, unpublished scholarly works that should give a theoretical or methodological contribution to the field of Economics. It welcomes manuscripts addressing domestic or international issues in the following areas:

- Economic Thought, Economic History, Economic Method, and Political Economy;
- Macroeconomic Theory, Financial System, Growth Models, and Applications;
- Microeconomic Theory, Industrial Economics, Innovation, International Trade, and Applications;
- Development Economics, Labor Market, Employment and Income Policies, Public Policy and Welfare;

A scholarly work or academic paper reports original research results, or reviews existing research results (whether theoretical or applied). For that it is usually structured as follows: an introduction describing the research theme, problem, object, and goals; a literature review section; a methodological section describing data gathering and sources, analysis methods, and research procedures; a section that presents and discusses the results; and a conclusion.

An original, unpublished scholarly work is a paper that does not contain any form of plagiarism, has not been simultaneously submitted for publication to any other journals, nor has been previously published as a book or a book chapter. A manuscript based upon a working paper, a conference paper, or a dissertation / Ph.D. thesis will be considered an original, unpublished paper provided that the author declares it in the submission form. 

The study of a particular case (being it a country, a region, a municipality, an industry, a sector, a business, or a product, etc) is only of interest to this journal provided that the manuscript produces replicable results and delivers an original, innovative contribution (whether theoretical or methodological) to the literature in Economics.

Literature review articles, book reviews, and shorter communications, as well as comments to works previously published (authors’ right of reply is ensured), may also be welcomed at the discretion of the Editorial Board.

Peer Review Process

REC only publishes original, unpublished scholarly works. All submissions will be initially pre-assessed by the editors for checking the suitability and compliance with editorial policies, including plagiarism. Manuscripts deemed unsuitable by the editors will be rejected and the respective submission will be archived. Manuscripts deemed suitable will be subjected to double-blind peer-review to assess the quality and scientific merit of the paper. Based on the peer-review assessment reports, the editors may refuse or accept the paper, conditioned to modifications/improvements. Peer-review results will be disclosed by e-mail only. Accepted papers will undergo thorough academic proofreading before publication.

Publication Frequency

REC operates under the continuous publication model. The current volume is opened on January 1st and closed on December 31st of each year.

Each paper within a volume is identified with a unique 12-digit Digital Object Identifier (DOI) and a 6-digit e-location number which are available on every article page.

Open Access Policy

REC is published under the Open Access model and is therefore free for anybody to read and download, and to copy and disseminate for educational purposes. No processing and/or publishing fees are charged to authors. REC is freely avaliable for download here and at Scielo (link below).


Journal History

Revista de Economia Contemporânea (Journal of Contemporary Economics) is an open-access electronic journal published by the Institute of Economics at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (IE-UFRJ, www.ie.ufrj.br) since 1997.

On account of IE-UFRJ's self-criticism and debating tradition, REC aims to contribute to the academic debate among the present-day different theoretical and methodological tendencies in the expanding frontiers of economic thought and research. The journal publishes original academic papers that discuss relevant topics in Economics, especially those related to Brazil's and Latin America's economies.