Productive diversity and industrial activity: an analysis for Brazilian municipalities



Due the importance of diversifying production for the industrial sector, this study seeks to assess whether the level of diversification of a productive structure influences the adoption of industrial policies. For this, data for 5,570 Brazilian municipalities in 2015 and Hidalgo and Hausmann’s (2009)  method of reflections are used. Descriptive statistics ordinary least squares are used to evalaute the tested hypotheses. Results show a positive and significant relation between the effective diversity of activities and the adoption of industrial policies in all analyzed scenarios. Therefore, results reinforce the argument that industrial policies are adopted in response to specific productive activities and are conditioned by the diversification structure of municipalities.

Author Biographies

Adilson Giovanini

Professor adjunto do departamento de Administração pública da Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (UDESC). Balneário Camboriú, SC, Brasil.

Wallace Marcelino Pereira

Professor adjunto do departamento de Economia da Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA). Belém, PA, Brasil.


Helberte João França Almeida

Professor adjunto do departamento de Economia e relações internacionais da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC). Florianópolis, SC, Brasil. 


