The Prize and the Quest of Energy Beyond the Oil Paradigm: Renewable energy deployment under the sustainable development agenda



energy, energy security, oil, renewable energies, sustainable development


This paper aims to analyze energy security beyond the oil paradigm, given the sustainable development agenda. To this end, we start from the key terms “the prize” and “the quest” in Daniel Yergin’s books to show how the second industrial revolution and the oil crises of the 1970s reinforced the role of oil in world geopolitics. From 2015, with the Paris Agreement, the SDGs and the NDCs, we argue that the domain-dependency binomial and the concept of energy security have been shaped and survived the new conjuncture. Therefore, we analyze how different levels of energy governance (domestic, regional and international) can (positively and negatively) contribute to the increase in the share of renewables in the global energy mix, indicating the possibility of natural gas replacing the role of oil in the next years.


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