UN Security Council Reform: The Political and the Desire to be Seized of the Matter


Palabras clave:

United Nations, International Decision-making, International Order


The international political order has been 'normalized' through a number of principles that constitute our international legal and normative framework. The United Nations became one of the main sources of legitimacy informing the relation between states. This paper explores the role of United Nations Security Council (UNSC) in the universalization of rules and principles, and as a sovereign center where decisions on the normal and abnormal behaviors and subjectivities in the international are made. By identifying and regulating what constitutes the exception to the rule and to international peace and security, the permanent members of the UNSC find themselves in a position to also define the limits of normality in international politics. Developing further on these premises, we argue that the campaign for a reform of the UNSC sheds light on the political domain of the 'international order', a domain of dispute, undecidability, and potentiality.

Biografía del autor/a

Francine Rossone de Paula, Queen's University Belfast

Lecturer in International Relations in the School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics at QUB

Marianna R. A. de Albuquerque, State University of Rio de Janeiro

PhD Candidate in Political Science


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