
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission must be original, as yet unpublished and not be under evaluation for publication in another journal. If this is not the case justify to the editors why your submission should be considered publication in the Comments to the Editors section.
  • Files should be in Microsoft Word format and not exceed 2MB size.
  • All URL addressed material in the text (e.g. should be active and readily accessible.
  • The text should be 1.5 spaced, use 12-point Times New Roman font. Italics are to be used instead of underlining (excepting URL addresses). Figures, maps and tables should be inserted in the text and also sent in individual compacted files as Additional Documents.
  • The text must follow the style and bibliographic norms detailed in the Instructions to Authors and in the General Information on the journal.
  • Identification of the author must be removed from the file, including in the Properties of Word option concerning who created the file so guaranteeing anonymity. In the case of citing the work of the authors in the text, footnotes and references, only “the author” and year should be given and not the name of the authors, title of the documents, etc.

Author Guidelines

Articles can be submitted at any time in Portuguese, English or Spanish. Each article or book review should have a maximum of three (3) authors. The issue (online and/or print) in which a submission accepted for publication will appear is provided in the letter of acceptance from the journal. The copyright for articles published in Espaço Aberto belong to the respective authors with rights to first publication conceded to the journal.  Every time that the article is cited and reproduced in institutional repositories or personal and professional web pages the link to the journal web page must be provided.

Peer review involves double-blind evaluation in which the anonymity of the authors and reviewers is maintained. The submission is appraised by two reviewers, and if the evaluations are conflicting, a third review is solicited. Approved articles are returned to the authors in order to make any necessary revisions suggested by the reviewers. The editorial board reserves the right to refuse publication of revised manuscripts which do not satisfy the reviewers.  As part of the submission process authors have to verify that the submission conforms to the norms listed below. Submissions which do not follow these norms will be returned to the authors. 

There is no fee for submission and evaluation of articles.

>>> Download the formatting template for articles <<<

  • Authors: maximum of three (3);
  • Article format: 15-20 pages, including all parts (main text, abstract, references, tables, figures, etc.);
  • Abstract: maximun of 150 words;
  • Review formats: 3-4 pages for book reviews and 1-2 pages for events;
  • Files should be compatible with Microsoft Word and have the following layout: A4 paper (210 x 297mm), 2.5 cm margins around, 1.5 spacing, Times New Roman 12 point font for text and 10 point for tables and figures;
  • Maps, photographs and figures should be inserted in the text and also sent as separate individual files and identified (example: “figure 1.tif”, “figure 2.jpg”);
  • Graphics: are to be elaborated in Microsoft Excel or similar graphic program and should not be submitted as closed images (e.g. tif, jpg);
  • Tables: should be presented in .doc files and be left open on the left and right sides of the table, i.e. not closed box tables;
  • Titles and sources of figures, tables and maps should appear in the main text;
  • Digital figures: should be in EPS, TIF or JPEG format and have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi in the final form, maximum permitted size is 12 x 18 cm, in black and white for the hard copy issue of the journal and colour for the online edition. It is imperative that an appropriate font size be used so that the legend or any text which appears within the figure is legible when reproduced at the size of the final journal page;
  • Tables, figures, titles, etc. cannot have internal shading and should not have lateral lines or boxes;
  • Citations using quotations marks within the body of the text should not be longer than three lines. Longer citations should be separately marked by a 10-space indention from the left margin, in this case should not use quotations marks and should be 12-point text like the rest of the main text. The author, year of publication and page number should follow the citation, e.g. (Silva, 2001, p.);
  • Subtitles are not numbered.


References: authors cited in the text should be either author (date) or (AUTHOR, date), e.g.Santos(1996), (GUERRA and CUNHA, 1995). All references must be cited in the text and all authors cited should appear in the References section. Works cited in the References section should follow the norms of the ABNT (Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas), namely:


  • Book: AUTHOR, A.B.C. Title of the Book. Place of publication: publisher, year of publication.
  • Book Chapter: AUTHOR, A.B.C. Title of the Chapter. In: Title of the Book. Names of the Editors of the book. Place of publication: publisher, year of publication, pages of the chapter.
  • Articles: AUTHOR, A.B.C. Title of article. Journal, volume, number, page sequence, year of publication.
  • Theses and dissertations: AUTHOR, A.B.C. Title of the work. Thesis or dissertation. Name of the department, university, year defended.



Notes should be placed at the end of the main text after the references.

Acknowledgements should be placed after references and before the notes.


Submission of articles and reviews (registration)

Articles and reviews should be sent electronically and to do this, authors must register their profiles on the webpage.


To register:

1 -- To register click on the REGISTRATION tab

2 -  Fill in the form with the information requested concerning login, password, full name, sex, institutional affiliation, email, country, select the AUTHOR option and click Register.


Submission via SEER:

1 -- After registering, log into the system in order to fill in the log in information and password on the right sidebar, then confirm clicking in;

2 -- After logging in click New Submission;

3 -- On this page chose the desired article or review section, see if your article conforms to the conditions for submission, confirm by agreeing to the journal copyright agreement and inform anything else deemed necessary to the editors.

4 -- Click on Select a File to upload, open then upload, save and continue;

5 -- Fill in the author information (full name, email, institutional affiliation and country) repeating the same for Additional Authors. Enter the Title, Abstract, Keywords, discipline and sub-discipline (if pertinent). Click on Save and Continue;

6 -- Upload other documents separately (photographs, figures, tables, etc.) by selecting each file, opening it, filling in the correct title and then upload it.

7 -- Check to see if all of the files were uploaded correctly and then click Conclude Submission.

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses of authors are used exclusively for the purpose of publishing the specific issue in which their work appears and are not used for any other purposes or passed on to third parties.