Geomorphological Mapping of the Coastal Plain and Lowlands of Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil
Geomorphological Cartography, Coastal Plains, Coastal Environment, Coastline of Rio Grande do SulAbstract
This geomorphological mapping of the coastal plain and lowlands of Rio Grande do Sul State has the aim of presenting the landforms, processes related to their formation and current dynamics at a scale of 1:250,000. The study follows Ab’Saber’s 1969 proposal for geomorphological research. In addition, research was based on Ross (1992) whereby relief magnitude ordering employs morphostructure for the largest units and morphosculpture for forms and types of relief contained within each existing morphostructure. The coastal plain and lowlands of Rio Grande do Sul covers an area of approximately 242 km2 which is composed of six relief patterns: low hills, alluvial colluvial ramps, lagoon plains, marine plains, river plains and technogenic relief forms. The main patterns detected were lagoon plains (52.8%), marine plains (27.5%) and fluvial plains (16%).