Potential of Astrotourism in Brazilian Parks: Case Study of the Três Picos State Park (PETP – RJ)





Light Pollution, Astronomy, Tourism, Astrotourism, Climate


Astrotourism is a niche of innovative tourism, having emerged in a relevant approach in recent years in several countries around the world, although it is still less practiced in Brazil. Its activities are concentrated in suitable places for the practice of stargazing, contributing to environmental preservation, economiy and communicating of science. Many of its activities have been carried out in Dark Sky Parks, locations far from regions where the light pollution is intense. This work proposes, in a new approach, to analyze the potential of astrotourism, focusing on a case study of Três Picos State Park (PETP), located in the state of Rio de Janeiro. The methodology is based on fieldworks, which includes (i) mapping the quality of the night sky through the generation of light pollution maps; (ii) astrophotographic records; (iii) evaluation of weather and climate conditions; and (iv) evaluation of the structure, services and the tourist facilities available at the parks. The results indicate PETP as a promising park to receive people interested in astrotourism, shwoing sites with excellent night sky conditions (with low levels of light pollution), mainly in Vale dos Deuses, Pico da Caledônia and Núcleo Jequitibá. The climatic conditions indicate winter (especially the months of July and August) as the most promising season for astrotourism. Although the evaluation of the tourist facilities in the municipalities surrounding PETP has highlighted needs for improvement, we indicate workable and innovative solutions through astrotourism. Thus, the encouragement of astronomy tourism at PETP has the potential to be integrated with other tourism packages
and activities in the region, stimulating initiatives related to the green economy and the diversification of local economic activities.


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Author Biographies

Daniel Rodrigues Costa Mello, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro [UFRJ]

Doutor em Astrofísica, Astrônomo e Coordenador de Extensão do Observatório do Valongo da UFRJ.

Ricardo Gonçalves Cesar, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro [UFRJ]

Doutor em Geoquímica, Professor Adjunto do Departamento de Geografia do Instituto de Geociências da UFRJ.

Fabíola Anne Balbino Gomes, Agência Astrotrilhas - Rio de Janeiro

CEO da Agência de Turismo Astrotrilhas, Guia de Turismo com especialização em atrativos naturais.

Igor Borgo Duarte Santos, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro [UFRJ]

Astrofotógrafo e professor da rede privada de ensino, graduando em Astronomia pelo Observatório do Valongo da UFRJ e CEO da empresa NightSky.com.

Ester de Pontes Silva, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro [UFRRJ]

Turismóloga pela Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ), servidora na Secretaria Municipal de Desenvolvimento Econômico, Trabalho e Turismo de Nova Iguaçu, Rio de Janeiro.



How to Cite

MELLO, Daniel Rodrigues Costa; CESAR, Ricardo Gonçalves; GOMES, Fabíola Anne Balbino; SANTOS, Igor Borgo Duarte; SILVA, Ester de Pontes. Potential of Astrotourism in Brazilian Parks: Case Study of the Três Picos State Park (PETP – RJ). Espaço Aberto, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, v. 13, n. 2, p. 47–84, 2023. DOI: 10.36403/espacoaberto.2023.57456. Disponível em: https://revistas.ufrj.br/index.php/EspacoAberto/article/view/57456. Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.